Category Archives: File & Directory

In Linux/Unix, a tutorial on using file and directory commands such as ls, mkdir, mv, etc.

40 practical examples of Linux Find command

This article will share with you 40 practical examples of the most commonly used find command. Continue reading

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ls -r reverse order in linux/unix

The ls -r command in Linux reverses the order of the listing, showing the oldest files first when sorted by modification time or the alphabetically last files when sorted by name. Here’s what the -r option does in different contexts: … Continue reading

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linux grep pattern

In Linux, the grep command is used to search for a specific pattern in the input. When you want to search for a pattern in files or output from other commands, here’s how you can use grep: Remember to replace … Continue reading

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Linux `ls` and `grep` Command Usage: 10 Practical Examples

In Linux, you can use a combination of the ls and grep commands to filter the output of ls based on specific patterns or strings. This is particularly useful for searching through directory contents for files that match certain criteria. … Continue reading

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How to Sort Files by Type in Linux: Complete Guide

In Linux, the ls command does not have a built-in option to sort files by type directly. However, you can use a combination of ls with other commands to achieve a sort by file type. Here’s how you can do … Continue reading

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How to Use the ls Command to Sort Files and Directories in Linux

In Linux, the ls command sorts files and directories by name in alphabetical order by default. Here are some examples of how to use ls to sort by name: Remember that the -r option reverses the sort order when used … Continue reading

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command grep linux

The grep command in Linux is a powerful utility for searching through text using patterns called regular expressions. Here’s a brief overview of how to use the grep command: Basic Usage: Options: Examples: grep is a versatile command that can … Continue reading

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linux ls sort by size

In Linux, to sort files by size using the ls command, you can use the -S option, which sorts the output by file size, largest first. Here are some examples: The ls -S command is particularly useful when you want … Continue reading

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Linux `ls` Command: 9 Ways to Sort File & Directory

In Linux, the ls command lists directory contents, and you can sort the output using various options. Here are some common ways to sort the output of the ls command: Remember that some of these options require a long listing … Continue reading

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How to Find Executable Files by Time Using the Find Command

In Linux and Unix systems, the find command is a powerful utility used to search for files and directories based on various criteria, including time-related conditions. One common use case is finding executable files based on their time attributes. By … Continue reading

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Practical Guide to Using Find Command for Time-Based File Searches in Linux and Unix Systems

In Linux and Unix systems, the find command is a very useful tool for searching files and directories based on various conditions. Among its functionalities, finding files based on time is a common use case. By specifying different time conditions, … Continue reading

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ls -r command in Linux

ls -r option lists all files and directories in the current directory in reverse order. Continue reading

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ls -l command in Linux

ls -l option lists all files and directories in the current directory in long listing format. Continue reading

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ls -a command in Linux

ls -a option lists all files and directories in the current directory, including hidden files starting with “.” Continue reading

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How to find empty lines in files in Linux

In Linux, there are three ways to find empty lines in files using grep and awk commands. Continue reading

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