Category: Internet

What does /bin/sh -c do in Linux

To solve the problem of command permission, you can expand the scope of permission. Next, we will introduce it to you with an example. For...

Batch change file extension in Linux

In the daily development process, we sometimes need to do some batch operations, as described in the previous article. Today, we will share how to...

awk print function in linux

Awk print function is a built-in function of awk, used for prints its arguments on the standard output (or on a file if > file...

Nginx combined log format and parameter explanation

Because lnmp does not customize the log format by default, it uses the combined default format: Parameter explanation: $remote_addr, $http_x_forwarded_for record the client IP address....

Shell Command Test

The command test in the shell is used to check whether a condition is true. It can test numbers, strings and files. Number arguments test...

Shell Flow Control

The flow control of shell cannot be empty which is different from other languages ​​such as Java and PHP.The following is the writing of PHP...

Shell Command Printf

In the previous chapter we learn the command echo, this chapter we will introduce the command printf. Printf mimics the printf () program in the...

Shell Command Echo

Echo in shell is similar to the echo in PHP which all output string.The syntax for echo is: You can use echo to achieve more...

Shell Basic Operators

There are various operators supported by shell.We will now discuss the following operators: Arithmetic Operators Relational Operators Boolean Operators String Operators File Test Operators Bourne...

Shell Arrays

Shell arrays can hold multiple values,Bash shell only support one-dimensional values(can not support multi-dimensional) .We don’t need to define array size during initialization (similar to PHP).The...

Directory structure and meaning of Linux system

After the login system, under the command window type the command:  You will see as shown in the figure below: Tree directory structure: The following is the explanation for these directories: /bin: Bin is the abbreviation of Binary, this directory holds the...

Docker common commands list with examples

Docker common commands: Image repository commands, Local image manage commands, Container manage commands, Container lifecycle manage commands ......