awk ternary condition judgment and examples

Awk ternary condition judgment is similar to the awk if else statement, providing branch control capability, and different branches perform different actions.

Ternary syntax

( Statement ) ?  True : False ;

Ternary example

In the following example, we use the awk -F option or awk FS variable to separate the input strings according to the delimiter “:”, and then compare the field value size through the ternary and print the conditional branch content.

➜  ~ echo "1:2:983" | awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"}{res=$3>11?"ok":"not";print $2,res;}'
2 ok

➜  ~ echo "1:2:983" | awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"}{res=$1>11?"ok":"not";print $2,res;}'
2 not

Ternary and if else

Awk Ternary and awk if else are equivalent.

     ( Statement ) ?  True : False ;

     if( Statement ) {
     } else {

So for the above ternary example, we can also use if else.

➜  ~ echo "1:2:983" | awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"}{if($1>11){print "ok"}else{print "not"}}'

All right.

I think you will already use the awk ternary and its relationship with awk if else.

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