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tr command tutorial in linux/unix with examples and use cases

linux tr command – translate or delete characters

Linux tr command can translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters from standard input, and then write to standard output.

tr syntax

tr [OPTION]... SET1 [SET2]

tr options

tr character sets

tr examples & use cases

tr convert lower case to upper case

In the following example, we will use the linux tr command to convert lower case letters to upper case letters, and vice versa.

➜  ~ echo "hello world" | tr "a-z" "A-Z"

➜  ~ echo "hello world" | tr "[:lower:]"  "[:upper:]"

tr replace spaces to special characters

In the following example, we will use the linux tr command to replace the specific string of the input string to other characters.

Use the tr command to convert spaces to special characters “#”

➜  ~ echo "hello world" | tr " " "#"

Use the tr command to convert spaces to tab

➜  ~ echo "hello world" | tr " " "\t"
hello	world
➜  ~

tr delete spaces

In the following example, we will use the linux tr -d option to remove the whitespace in the string.

➜  ~ echo "hello    world " | tr -d " "

tr delete empty lines

In the following example, we will use the linux tr -s option to delete empty lines in the text file.

➜  ~ cat test.log
Hello world!

I am tr.

➜  ~ cat test.log | tr -s '\n'
Hello world!
I am tr.

tr remove duplicate spaces

Use the linux tr -s option to remove duplicate characters. In the following example, we delete the repeated spaces in the input string.

➜  ~ echo "hello    world" | tr -s " "
hello world

tr remove all the digits 

In the following example, we use the linux tr command to delete all digits in the input string.

➜  ~ echo "I am 444221" | tr -d "[:digit:]"
I am

tr remove strings

In the following example, we will use the linux tr -d option to delete all strings in the input.

➜  ~ echo "I am 444221" | tr -d "[a-zA-Z]"


At this point, you can use the linux tr command to delete or replace specified characters.

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