linux using SSH and SCP over IPv6

1. SSH remote login server: ssh [username]@[IPv6_Host] -p [port number]; 2. SCP copy file: scp [username]@[IPv6_Host]:[file_path] [target_path]...

mac brew services start nginx not working

The prompt was successful, but the nginx progress did not start. It is a permission problem. View the configuration files, logs, executable files, etc., and...

what is qq

QQ is the abbreviation of Tencent QQ, which is an Internet-based instant messaging (IM) software developed by Tencent. At present, QQ has covered many mainstream...

Sino-US trade war, China will win!

Today, a spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Commerce said: “If the two sides can reach an agreement, all the tariffs imposed by the United...

awk loop example: awk for and while

awk for loop: awk -F"#" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) { ... }' t.txt; awk for loop array: awk 'BEGIN{a["km"] = "m";a["kn"] = "n";for(i in a) {...}}'; awk while loop: awk -F"#"...