Tag: awk examples

AWK tutorial: awk group by count

When we are dealing with log files, we often need to count the number of times some keywords appear. For example, count the number of...

awk merge files base on the keyword

use the awk variables NR and FNR merge files base on the keywords. awk -F' ' 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=$2;}NR!=FNR{print $0, a[$1]}' test-4.txt test-5.txt...

awk custom function and examples

Here, you need to use the awk custom function to implement the abs function. awk 'function abs(x){return (x < 0) ? -x : x;} {print...

AWK tutorial: awk regex example

What Is Regex? Types of Regex:BRE and ERE. Awk using BRE regex Patterns, Special Characters; Awk using ERE regex Patterns, matches the start...

awk loop example: awk for and while

awk for loop: awk -F"#" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) { ... }' t.txt; awk for loop array: awk 'BEGIN{a["km"] = "m";a["kn"] = "n";for(i in a) {...}}'; awk while loop: awk -F"#"...