Tag Archives: java

java tutorial: java enum in switch case

Java enum in switch case : 1. Returns the enum constant of the specified enum type with the specified name. 2. The case label is an enum constant. Continue reading

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java tutorial: java get timestamp milliseconds

Java get timestamp milliseconds : 1.System.currentTimeMillis(); 2.Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); 3.new Date().getTime(); Continue reading

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java tutorial: Java enum check if value exists

Java enum check if value exists: 1. Enum class provides inspection methods 2. Check with for loop 3.Use stream iterators 4.Use a tool class similar to Apache EnumUtils Continue reading

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java tutorial: Java Generic

Java generics, in a nutshell, generics enable types (classes and interfaces) to be parameters when defining classes, interfaces and methods. Continue reading

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java tutorial: 5 ways to create stream in java 8

A java stream is a sequence of objects, which can be arranged, filtered, and transformed through a pipeline to produce the desired result. Continue reading

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java tutorial: Java exception

A java exception is an event that occurs during the execution of a java program that disrupts the normal flow of instructions. Continue reading

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java tutorial: java 8 Lambda built-in functional interfaces

Java 8 functional interface: Function : R apply(T t), Supplier : T get() , Predicate : boolean test(T t) , Consumer : void accept(T t) Continue reading

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IntelliJ IDEA utility plugin

IntelliJ IDEA is an excellent Java IDE, with the help of excellent IDEA plugins, we can greatly improve efficiency in daily development. Continue reading

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java tutorial: three ways to generate random numbers in Java

Java random number have three ways: java.lang.Math.Random, java.util.Random, java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom Continue reading

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java tutorial: java 8 lambda expression example

Lambda expressions are a simplification of anonymous inner classes, a functional programming idea that makes code look cleaner. Continue reading

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java tutorial: install Java JDK and Maven on Mac

Install Java JDK and Maven on mac os: 1) Download and install files from the official website; 2) Install using homebrew package manager. Continue reading

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Basic design structure of java

Java is case sensitive; The main method must be declared public, and each application has one and only one main method; General syntax used by java: object.method(parameters) Java programs comments Single-Line Comment: // Multiline Comment: /* */ Java data type … Continue reading

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