Tag Archives: vim examples

vim tutorial: vim cursor move

Vim cursor move: 1. up, down, left, and right; 2. to the top of the file; 3. to the end of the line; 4. to the top of the screen Continue reading

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vim tutorial: vim delete line

Vim delete lines, as the basic knowledge of vim is one of the functions we must master. Mastering the skills of deleting lines can improve our efficiency in editing text. This article will show you how to delete lines in … Continue reading

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vim tutorial: vim search

Vim search can help us quickly locate the location of the content when looking for or modifying the content of a file. Continue reading

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vim tutorial: vim save and quit

Vim save and quit, there are two shortcut keys:
* :wq – Force write file and quit.
* 😡 – Write to file and quit. Continue reading

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