How to remove directory or file using the command line in Linux system

linux rm command can remove directory or file.

If the permissions of the file do not permit writing, and the standard input device is a terminal, the user is prompted (on the standard error output) for confirmation. About linux file properties and permissions.


rm [-dfiPRrvW] file ...


  • -d
    Attempt to remove directories as well as other types of files.
  • -f
    Attempt to remove the files without prompting for confirmation, regardless of the file’s permissions. If the file does not exist, do not display a diagnostic message or modify the exit status to reflect an error. The -f option verrides any previous -i options.
  • -i
    Request confirmation before attempting to remove each file, regardless of the file’s permissions, or whether or not the standard input device is a terminal. The -i option overrides any previous -f options.
  • -R
    Attempt to remove the file hierarchy rooted in each file argument. The -R option implies the -d option. If the -i option is specified, the user is prompted for confirmation before each directory’s contents are processed (as well as before the attempt is made to remove the directory). If the user does not respond affirmatively, the file hierarchy rooted in that directory is skipped.
  • -r
    Equivalent to -R.
  • -v
    Be verbose when deleting files, showing them as they are removed.


  • rm cmd delete files
➜ rm -v test 
➜ rm test 
➜ rm -f test 
➜ rm -i test
  • rm cmd delete directory
➜ rm -r test 
➜ rm -rf test 
➜ rm -R test 
  • pattern delete
➜ rm -rf test-*

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