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Awk built-in functions: gsub, sub, substr

Awk’s built-in string processing function is the one we use most.

Today, we share with you: gsub, sub, substr


awk 'pattern {  action }'


In the following example, we use the awk sub built-in function to perform a substring replacement, which replaces the first substring with t. The third parameter is optional and defaults to $0.

➜  ~ awk 'BEGIN{ str="linux command"; sub("linux", "unix", str);print str; }'
unix command

➜  ~ awk 'BEGIN{ str="linux command. linux is the best"; sub("linux", "unix", str);print str; }'
unix command. linux is the best

In the following example, we use the awk substr function to return a substring of length n from the Nth character in the string.

➜  ~ awk 'BEGIN{ str="linux command"; subs=substr(str,1,5);print subs; }'

In the following example, we use the awk gsub built-in function for global replacement. It replaces all substrings that appear with t.

➜  ~ awk 'BEGIN{ str="linux command. linux is the best"; gsub("linux", "unix", str);print str; }'

unix command. unix is the best

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