Category: Internet

Share some linux prank commands

linux prank commands: - linux sl command - linux cowsay/cowthink commands, - linux cmatrix command - linux figlet / toilet commands - linux yes command - linux oneke command...

Google Analytics adds website tracking code

Google Analytics adds website tracking code. Enter the Admin page, click the tracking info menu, the tracking code submenu, and you can see the tracking...

How to split screen for mac iterm2

Iterm2 split screen – increased productivity. How to split screen for mac iterm2 ? Vertical split screen: command + d Horizontal split screen: command +...

curl vs wget difference and basic use

Curl and wget of Linux commands, curl and get have many similarities, such as the following downloads. To make a difference, curl is better at...

mac shells and shell switching

mac shells There are many kinds of shells, and OS X can be viewed using cat /etc/shells, for example: OS X comes with zsh, Linux...